3 easy tips for a better customer service

A good amount of positive reviews for any product or service you see on the internet, usually mention a great customer service in one way or another. This aspect of a business, especially if it is an online business, is crucial when it comes to brand reputation and client trust. It can really be a decisive factor when someone approaches you as a potential client. It is clear a lot of work involved goes a good customer service, but still, there are some simple actions you can take to start improving fairly easily and right away.


Use canned email responses

No matter how extensive and detailed your website’s FAQs section is. You will always have to repeat the same info over and over again when answering emails from potential clients, when finishing a project and on many other parts of your process. Keep advantage of that and prepare a set of email templates for those commonly asked questions or frequent tasks. You can customize them for each particular case and they will help you reduce your email turnaround time considerably. Your existing clients will really appreciate it and those potential clients will receive a better first impression.


Check in with your clients at least once a week

If you work over the internet and/or on one-to-one services, you already know there are times when clients simply disappear off the face of the earth. It can be because they are busy with other work, life gets in the way or they just forgot you were waiting for their feedback. You don’t want to come as pushy but neither as if you were neglecting their project. The best way to manage this is to set up a fixed day of the week (Monday is great) when you review your client list and send an email to those who you haven’t heard from since you last contacted them. It doesn’t need to be a long or detailed message. Something like “Hey —, how is it going? I just wanted to know if you are ready to keep working on or if you have any questions I can help you with“. It also works for potential clients that contacted you asking about your services but didn’t reply after you sent your info. You will be surprised at the number of people who will get back to you saying they completely forgot and thanking you for the follow-up.


Use the power of the internet to offer extra help

Going the extra mile to help your clients is always the way to go in order to make them happy and willing to work with you again. Luckily, that extra mile is not that far away anymore thanks to the internet. Whenever a client expresses a concern, struggle or simply asks a question, even if it is not directly related to the work you are doing or your field in general, do a quick Google search and provide him/her with an article, a tutorial or a video that can be of any help. It will take less than 5 minutes and will grant your customer service a super positive testimonial.


Have you implemented these tips already? What are other things you do to provide a better customer service? Share your ideas in the comments!


Cris Castro Moral

Hi! My name is Cristina and I am a freelance graphic designer and illustrator. I blog about small businesses, marketing, social media and design under all its forms.

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